4 Reasons that Explain Why Open Communication is Vital in Outsourced Photo Editing Work

4 Reasons that Explain Why Open Communication is Vital in Outsourced Photo Editing Work
Real Estate Photo Editing

5 minutes of reading

Aug 24, 2020

Photo editing is an essential stage in every real estate photo shoot. Without this process, the final images look dull and unpresentable. For one, real estate photography becomes a vital element of the real estate industry because of its significant role in creating engaging and impactful listings. Hence, without the compelling visuals that add value to the property, closing a sale is difficult to accomplish.

Making amazing real estate images take time, with editing as the most time-consuming part. Having the perfect raw shots does not mean great photos already. There is still a need for excellent photo editing skills to achieve the ideal photos suited for real estate listings.

Unless you are a pro in image post-processing, editing can take up your time – from up to 20 minutes or more, especially if the image needs a lot of modifications to enhance its quality and aesthetics. You are lucky to find a photographer who can both take excellent photos and edit them at the same time. Otherwise, you need to get this service from a third-party real estate photo editing company.

Outsourcing your editing needs means working with a team of expert editors to handle all your instructions and modification requests. If you are outsourcing your photo editing needs, it is essential to establish open and constant communication with your real estate photo editing company. Otherwise, you cannot expect quality outputs right away.

team open communication

Here are other reasons why open communication is necessary when outsourcing your photo editing.

Minimizes the chance to have incorrect outputs

If you are communicating with your team all the time, it is less likely to commit unintended mistakes about your shots. Your editors appreciate an active communication between you and them because it makes everyone in the team comfortable. It gives them the idea that you are approachable and always ready to cater to any questions.

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Encourages you and the editors to become proactive

It is best to have a proactive attitude when working with a team. As the client, you can be dynamic, but sometimes, your ideas are not enough. It makes sense to get a new and fresh perspective from someone who is more immersed in the editing side than on your thoughts. Photo editors are experts individuals who possess the necessary skills to create the perfect images for you. If they are proactive enough to suggest some points for improvement, it is already a plus for you.

Allows you to track progress for free

You are aware that almost every messaging tool is available for free. Messenger, Skype, Viber, Slack, and other open applications can connect you with your editing team without incurring additional costs. You can also use email for free. However, make sure that all communication is established in trusted channels only. Also, try to monitor communication media daily so that you can keep track of the following: (1) messages documentation (2) make sure recipients are aware of the messages, and (3) recipients will reply to messages.

Builds rapport

Open communication is the key to building a good rapport with the team. If you are the type of client who tends to work with a team on a long term basis, it is best to establish rapport between the key members of the group. Doing this will make you have a strong bond with your team. It will prevent unnecessary miscommunications, and if there are some, it can be quickly addressed, and escalations will be prevented.

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These are only some of the excellent benefits of practicing open communication with your outsourced photo editing team. We hope that this article gives you insights on why you should start communicating with your editing team as soon as possible.

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